+91 9820149305
You are only a few business contacts away from getting predictable referrals to your business !!!
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Business Relationship Circle is an organised & tailored way of getting people in large numbers to make referrals to your business. “ Referral strategy” helps garner massive sales. Most of us have sought input from our network when making a big purchase, or we’ve taken a chance on a new company after hearing a friend or family member rave about its products and services.
A 2016 – Neilsen Study on “ Referral Marketing” revealed that about 92% of the customers trust recommendations from people close to them. Referral marketing is built on the fact that it is in-built and almost biological and has no limits to the benefits it can bring to a business. So, it’s not exactly controversial to suggest that “Referrals Influence Customer Buying Decisions”.
+91 9820149305